Dynamic modelling and control of an underactuated Klann-based hexapod
This work discloses the dynamic control model of a hexapod robot with tripod-based walking gait. The proposed walking model is based on the Klann linkage and three main actuators to provide quasi-omnidirectional mobility. The reduced number of actuators preserve holonomy as similar as popular 18-servo hyper-redundant hexapods (three servos per leg). This work proposes two-drive differential control, one drive per lateral triplet of legs. Each triplet is synchronized in speed with different angle phase of rotation. The six limbs are synchronized with bidirectional yaw motion with the third actuator. Quasi-omnidirectional mobility was achieved and controlled by a dynamic control law that governs the robots mechanisms motion. Kinematic and dynamic results are validated through numerical simulations using a tripod gait.
- Memoria en extenso [291]