On the development and characterization of a MOEMS based bidirectional flowmeter
There a great interest in to develop UV detectors to strategic applications such as secure communications or monitoring UV spectrum. There are several approaches to the production of p- n junctions to that purpose using ZnO or GaN nanostructures. Here the results of the characterization of detectors fabricated employing ZnO self-assembled nanostructures deposited by RF reactive sputtering are presented. The procedure developed by M. Avila-Meza et al. [1] was employed to deposit ZnO nanostructures on 4 inches p-type silicon substrates. Substrates were processed at CICTA-UACJ using a mask with circular 1 mm diameter Cr. Squared samples 2 mm side were diced and then bonded using Al wire on a rectangular 8 pin frame. Transport properties (IvsV and CvsV) of selected samples were characterized using an Agilent commercial equipment. The spectral response of the measured samples was obtained and correlated with electrical characteristics.
- Memoria en abstract [201]
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