Seismic response control in structures via damage modelling of hysteretic energy dissipative devices
Dissipative energy methods are widely used to protect the structures and, therefore, to provide safety to users of these in the presence of seismic phenomena. Hysteretic energy dissipative devices (HEDD) are a subclass of these methods presenting a lower cost comparedcwith semi-passive and active control methods.
The aim of this paper is to present a numerical algorithm for modelling HEDD as an effective and robust system control for the seismic response in multistory buildings. The algorithm is based in a continuum damage model in the framework of a large strain elastoplastic model characterizing the plasticity and degradation of these yielding damper plates.
The algorithm, from a continuum damage model, is extended to a plane-stress finite element model to achieve the mechanical response of the damping plate itself. The conclusions are drawn upon energy criterion – the ratio of the hysteretic energy to input
energy is compared for different structural configurations.
The model establishes an easy methodology to evaluate different configurations of dissipative joints through the structure, increasing the energy damping ability of the system by the optimum placement of the plates and minimizing the effects caused in the structure by seismic events.
- Memoria en extenso [291]
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