Predictor model of the organizational culture in a multi-national indsutrial plant in Ciudad Juárez, México
The characterization of the organizational culture has an utmost importance because it is an aid for the adaptation of the company to the culture of the local country and the foundation for a training program. The twin plant industry (maquiladoras) of Ciudad Juárez is composed by companies of American, Japanese, German, ltalic, French and Canadian origins. All the companies operate with their own organizational-cultural models, related to the way they have developed in the country of origin. When the companies transfer operation to other countries, people have to adapt to what they feel as alien work schemes, process that can be complicated by the differences in organization and culture. Because the plant selected for this project does not have a study of organizational culture and top management can't explain how much those differences might impact in turnover or compromise, this article presents the validation of a questionnaire for the measurement of organizational culture and its characterization. The questionnaire is based in Wu, Taylor & Chen (2001) tested for interna] reliability by the Kendall W test (P=0.048) and Cronbach's Alpha = 0.807. By Factor Analysis are determined the most important factors of organizational culture, Uncertainty Resistance (0.82), Femininity (0.97), lndividualism (0.74), Collectivist (0.67). Therefore, it is advisable to consider those factors for the deployment of training programs.
- Memoria en extenso [278]
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