Intuitionistic fuzzy dimensional analysis for multi-criteria decision making
Dimensional analysis, for multi-criteria decision making, is a math-
ematical method that includes diverse heterogeneous criteria into a single di-
mensionless index. Dimensional Analysis, in its current defi nition, presents the
drawback to manipulate fuzzy information commonly presented in a multi-
criteria decision making problem. To overcome such limitation, we propose
two dimensional analysis based techniques under intuitionistic fuzzy environ-
ments. By the arithmetic operations of intuitionistic fuzzy numbers, we de-
scribe the intuitionistic fuzzy dimensional analysis (IFDA) and the aggregated
intuitionistic fuzzy dimensional (AIFDA) techniques. In the fi rst technique,
we consider only the handling of fuzzy information; and, in the second one we
consider both quantitative (crisp) and qualitative (fuzzy) information typically
presented together in a decision making problem. To illustrate our approaches,
we present some numerical examples and perform some comparisons with other
well-known techniques.
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