• Lean Manufacturing for Process Improvement: A Bibliometric Review 

      García-Alcaraz, Jorge Luis; Estrada Orantes, Francisco Javier; 233724; 233735 (IEOM Society International, 2023-05-01)
      Currently, there are many methodologies for the improvement of production processes documented in different reports. Within the engineering area, some of the most published are Six Sigma, DMAIC, Lean Six Sigma and Lean ...
    • Lean Six Sigma Approaches Trend: A Bibliometric Review 

      García-Alcaraz, Jorge Luis; Estrada Orantes, Francisco Javier; 232735; 232734 (IEOM Society International, 2023-05-01)
      Companies and organizations worldwide have used approaches based on Lean Six Sigma to improve the quality of their processes and products. Although there are literature reviews on this topic, the number of papers published ...

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