Synthesis of a 45S5 bioactive glass cementitious resin bonded composite material fororthodontic applications
Rodriguez Gonzalez, Claudia
Chavarria Gaytan, Maria Concepcion
Hernandez Paz, Juan Francisco
Saenz Villela, Jesus Manuel
Olivas Armendariz, Imelda
Magallanes Lopez, Enrique Alberto
Morfin Chavarria, Luis
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A composite material based on 45S5 bioactive glass and commercial cementitious resin fororthodontic applications, was obtained, taking two commercial resins as control. The bioactiveglass was synthesized using sol-gel and stabilizing the dry gel using microwave assistance for 6minutes, obtaining an amorphous material with good dimensional stability and transparency. Acomposite material was prepared using Transbond cementitious resin and 8% 45S5 bioactive glass.The resulting composite was subjected to degradation tests to determine the effect of artificialsaliva on this material degradation over a period of one month. Sample composite degradation andthe fluid pH variations were analyzed via SEM/EDS. Composite bioactivity was determined byexposing the material to simulated physiological fluid (SBF), showing the formation of biologicalapatite layers on the materials’ surface. The composite ́s mechanical properties were analyzed byadhering the brackets with the composite material to previously preserved human dental pieces andthe shear strength of the composite was determined along with the tension strength between theresin teeth interface. Analyzes were performed by triplicate. A Statistical ANOVA analysis wasperformed to determine significant mechanical test results. These data showed that the synthesizedcomposite material exhibited better bioactivity, mechanical and degradational properties comparedto the commercial resins.