Shape effect of thickness of the NREL S815 profile on the performance of the H-rotor Darrieus turbine
Tenango-Pirin, Oscar
Davalos Ramirez, Jose Omar
Caldiño, Uzziel
Martinez, Rogelio
Castro, Laura
García Castrejón, Juan Carlos
Rodriguez, Jose Alfredo
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With the aim of improving the performance of vertical axis wind turbines, in this article, the flow field and aerodynamic performance of an
H-rotor Darrieus turbine are computed using computational fluid dynamics. Specifically, the power coefficient (Cp) of different airfoil profile
thicknesses was evaluated as a function of tip-speed ratios (TSRs) and wind speed. Four different thicknesses of the NREL S815 airfoil were
evaluated, and the TSR was varied from 0.6 to 2.25 using wind speeds of 6 and 8 m/s. As a result, the power coefficient (Cp) was calculated
for each airfoil and the different tip-speed ratios. It was found that for each airfoil profile, the Cp increases when the airfoil thickness and
the TSR rise, until reaching a maximum, then the Cp decreases in spite of larger thickness or TSRs. After comparing the performance of each
airfoil profile, the Cp is improved 14.96% for 19.2% thicker airfoils, using a TSR of 1.725 and a wind speed of 8 m/s.
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