SAE Aero Design West 2018 Design Report
This document details the final design made by the UACJ Aero Team from the Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, with the purpose of participating in the SAE Aerodesign 2018 Competition, in which the methodology is explained, as well as overall design, analysis, performance, and the manufacturing process used to build this aircraft named ´´EURUS´´ (This name will be used to future references on the report).
The main objective is to design and build an unmanned aerial vehicle capable of transporting the highest possible load as well as having a precise telemetry system for the launch of packages or dynamic loads and therefore being able to achieve excellent design performance. The current design is characterized by an optimization of the last model designed by the team. In addition, it must fulfill its mission by following the SAE design requirements and be an aircraft safe enough to operate.
- Reporte técnico [298]
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