• Intercambio neto de carbono en ecosistemas semiáridos de México 

      Perez Ruiz, Eli Rafael; Delgado-Balbuena, Josué; Yepez, Enrico; Angeles-Pérez, Gregorio; Arredondo, Tulio; Ayala-Niño, Fernando; Bullock, Stephen; Castellanos, Alejandro; Cueva, Alejandro; Figueroa-Espinoza, Bernardo; Garatuza-Payan, Jaime; Hinojo-Hinojo, Cesar; Maya-Delgado, Yolanda; Mendez-Barroso, Luis; Oechel, Walter; Paz-Pellat, Fernando; Rodriguez, Julio Cesar; Rojas-Robles, Nidia; Sanchez-Mejia, Zulia; Uuh-Sonda, Jorge; Vargas, Rodrigo; Vivoni, Enrique; Watts, Christopher (Programa Mexicano del Carbono, 2018-05-01)
      Los ecosistemas terrestres controlan la dinámica del CO2 en la atmósfera a través de los procesos de fotosíntesis y respiración. El entendimiento de los factores que afectan las tasas de captura y liberación de carbono (C) ...
    • Response of Coupled Water-Energy-Carbon Dynamics to North American Monsoon in Three Woodland Ecosystems: Results from GPS Hydrometeorological Network 2017 

      Perez Ruiz, Eli Rafael (AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2018-12-01)
      The North American Monsoon (NAM) is characterized by a dramatic shift in meteorological conditions that affect coupled ecohydrological dynamics. To study the coupling of water-energy and carbon (W-E-C) fluxes, a dense ...
    • The North American Monsoon GPS Hydrometeorological Network 2017 

      Perez Ruiz, Eli Rafael; Granados-Olivas, Alfredo; Vazquez-Galvez, Felipe; Adams, David; Vivoni, Enrique; Lintner, Benjamin; Minjarez-Sosa, Carlos; Serra, Yolande; Rodriguez, Julio Cesar; Verduzco, Vivian; Barffuson, Felipe; Grutter, Michel; Haase, Jennifer; Liang, Hong; Cabral-Cano, Enrique; Gochis, David; Yepez, Enrico; Robles-Morua, Agustin; Bezanilla, Alejandro; Del Rio Salas, Rafael; Quintanar, Arturo; Ochoa-Moya, Carlos; Salazar-Tlaczani, L (American Meteorological Society, 2018-01-10)
      Debates surrounding the importance of moisture recycling as a moisture source for the North American Monsoon have resurfaced in recent years. Several studies, employing modeling and observational approaches, describe a ...

      Perez Ruiz, Eli Rafael; Tarin, Tonantzin; Yepez, Enrico; Rojas Robles, Nidia; Valenzuela, Yuri; Madueño Madero, Myrbeth Guadalupe; Sanchez Mejia, Zulia Mayari; Rodriguez, Julio Cesar; Vivoni, Enrique; Garatuza Payan, Jaime (2023-12-11)
      Arid and semi-arid ecosystems represent 45% of the world's terrestrial ecosystems and 60% of Mexico's land surface. These regions play an important role in the global C sink variability, due to their response to water ...

      Av. Plutarco Elías Calles #1210 • Fovissste Chamizal
      Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México • C.P. 32310 • Tel. (+52) 688 – 2100 al 09