Estudio de las propiedades del almidón de la semilla del árbol Brosimum alicastrum Sw. (Ramón) y su modificación para aplicación en el desarrollo de alimentos funcionales.
Ramón seed is an unconventional source of starch with interesting characteristics that can be improved for its application in industrial processes. This study aimed to isolate and modify starch from Ramón seed flour (RSF) and determine its physicochemical, structural, rheological, and digestibility properties for its use as an ingredient in preparing functional foods. RSF was isolated using sodium bisulfite and modified by hydrothermal treatment (HMT) at 10, 20 and 30% moisture. The chemical composition was determined using AOAC methods and enzymatic colorimetric determinations. SEM and X-ray diffraction determined the structural properties, the thermal properties by DSC, and functional properties by gravimetry. In addition, in vitro digestibility tests were carried out. The results showed a yield of 31.2% of RSS, which had high dietary fiber content (10.2%), amylose of 24.9%, and small granule size (6.3-11.5 μm). The starch modified by 10% HMT significantly improved its SI (18.7%), WAC (18.1 g water/g starch)) and SP (22.2 g water/g starch) at 90°C. RSS presented a Tgel of 76.5°C and an enthalpy of 14.3 Jg-1 and the modification increased the Tgel (79.8°C) as well as the paste formation (77.6°C to 80.6°C). In native form, RSS presented a high viscosity, and this was reduced with HMT as the moisture content increased, forming strong gels. While in digestibility, RSS showed lower digestibility in its native and modified form (HMT 30%) compared to corn and wheat starches. The modification by HMT improved RSS's behavior and thermal stability, resulting in an alternative to be applied in the industry to produce functional foods that benefit the consumer's health, particularly vulnerable groups with diabetes and/or obesity due to their low degree of digestibility.
- ICB Reporte técnico [124]