Virtual Reality Prosumers on YouTube and Their Motivation on Digital Design Students
De La Torre Rodriguez, Alejandra Lucia
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There is no denying that in our digital culture, prosumers have an impact
on brand positioning and purchase decisions with their audience. However, the
actions and discourse of the prosumers can also exert other types of motivation in the
academic field. Thus, we wanted to assess if the YouTube prosumer movement has
had any impact in the desire of digital design students towards video game development. In this chapter we first introduce the concept of motivation, the different
types, and how it relates to the design process. Though motivation theory is not the
focus of the research, it is relevant to better understand what the driving force behind
the students’ video game projects proposals is. Through the literature review we
explore the work of authors on the topic of impact on motivation prosumers have
had on students. Finally, we present the results of two surveys conducted amongst
students of the Digital Design for Interactive Media (DDIM) undergraduate program.
Subjects had to have some video game and Virtual Reality (VR) design and development experience to participate in this research. The first survey laid foundation about
students’ motivation in relation to YouTube prosumers. Second survey focused on
finding if the opinion of prosumers regarding VR, motivated the students in pursuing
school projects that use this technology. Both questionnaires were based on a fivepoint Likert scale and dichotomous questions. The information gathered, allowed a better understanding of the context of video games and VR from the perspective of
YouTube content creators. In addition, the influence they have on DDIM students.
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