Metals infiltration on copolymers for oxides obtention
Nowadays polymer thin films infiltration is a little crowded area of study which offers a wide
range of solutions to problems in optoelectronic industry. The study of polymer structures
known as block copolymers due to its molecular accommodation infiltrated with metals as
Al, Cu Ti and Zr. Obtaining metal oxides represent a huge advance in selective deposition
techniques and a way to reduce time and investment cost in lithographic area. For this
purpose, (Atomic Layer Deposition) ALD technique was used, some advantages of this
technique are great conformity of deposited thin film and deposit thickness control,
compared with other techniques such CVD or PVD. In addition, the metal infiltration was
also made through wet chemistry with metal salt inclusion by using spin coating. The most
important parameters to be considered for deposit were, in ALD: pulse time and substrate
temperature. About Spin coating: rpm, viscosity, and precursor quantity. (X-Ray
Photoelectron Spectroscopy) XPS characterization was made, this is optimal technique for
qualitative and quantitative analysis. Last analysis allows the film thickness and composition
trough the analysis of the sample at a different angle of incidence known as (Angle Resolve
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy) AR-XPS in addition FTIR and Raman were used for
structural characterization, functional groups identification and molecular vibrational
modes respectively.
- Memoria en abstract [186]