BANF Report. Organising in the borderlands: applying research to support families, children and youngsters in Mexican-USA borderlands (Ciudad Juarez, Mexico)
This document report all original aims of the project were completed. Additional and unexpected research outputs and social impact -mainly out of the academia- were addressed in the context of the project timeframe and budget. Deadlines and milestones proposed for all phases (1-4) of the project have been successfully reached. The experience of conforming a binational / trilingual research team and network (JEPGOR) was extremely rewarded, productive and challenging. The research culture of the resulted combined Mexican-British group took a few initial weeks to be produced, adjusted and developed. Research findings on how borders are organised, how an organisational research interdisciplinary and multinational team could be productive to study borderland societies and communities, and the academic and non academic impact of this agenda in women, children and family organising confirmed the usefulness of this particular research perspective and agenda. Duties and tasks of one of the research members during the second year of the project were reassigned and successfully completed by the rest of the team. One of the major benefit of the collaboration was the impact and number of Mexican academics from a variety of disciplines who decided to join the project as research associates and ask to be part of the network. JEPGOR became extremely popular among academics from a variety of disciplines such psychology, management, organisation studies, anthropology, sociology and political sciences.
- Reporte técnico [159]
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