• Expression of MicroRNAs in Periodontal Disease: A Systematic Review 

      Garcia-Calderón, Alma Graciela; Tovar Carrillo, Karla Lizette; Espinosa Cristobal, Leon Francisco; Cuevas-González, Juan Carlos; Saucedo Acuña, Rosa Alicia; Donohue-Cornejo, Alejandro; Cuevas Gonzalez, Maria Veronica; Suaste Olmos, Fernando; Martinez Martinez, Salvador David; Zambrano Galvan, Graciela (2021-01-20)
      Introduction. Periodontal disease (PD) is a chronic inflammation of the soft tissues that support the structure of the tooth, and miRNAs are highly dynamic molecules that participate in the regulation of gene expression ...

      Av. Plutarco Elías Calles #1210 • Fovissste Chamizal
      Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México • C.P. 32310 • Tel. (+52) 688 – 2100 al 09