Aedes (Georgecraigius) epactius from Zacatecas and Chihuahua Mexico: New Geographical Distribution and Altitude Records
Garza Hernandez, Javier Alfonso
Rodríguez-Alarcón, Carlos Arturo
Ramos-Lagunes, Valeria H.
Adame Gallegos, Jaime R.
De Luna Santillana, Erick J.
Laredo-Tiscareño, S. Viridiana
González-Peña, Rodolfo
Hernández-Triana, Luis M.
Velasco-Chino, Lucia E.
Laredo-Tiscareño, A. Gabriela
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Adults and immatures of Aedes epactius were collected in July and December 2022 at sites of high elevation in the states of Chihuahua (2300 masl) and Zacatecas (2182 and 2595 masl), Mexico, respectively. Mosquitoes were identified morphologically and sequenced for a DNA barcode of the cytochrome c oxidase I (COX1). This is the first distributional record of Ae. epactius in Zacatecas and provides evidence of the highest altitude in the Americas, including Mexico. The geographical distribution of Ae. epactius in Mexico was reviewed, and the COX1 analysis, using phylogenetic Bayesian analysis to confirm species identification, was performed.
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