Discovery of Novel Viruses in Culicoides Biting Midges in Chihuahua, Mexico
Garza Hernandez, Javier Alfonso
Rodríguez-Alarcón, Carlos Arturo
Beristain-Ruiz, Diana Marcela
Rubio Tabarez, Ezequiel
Laredo Tiscareño, S. Viridiana
S. Tangudu, Chandra
Dankaona, Wichan
Adame Gallegos, Jaime R.
De Luna Santillana, Erick J.
Huerta, Herón
Gonzalez Peña, Rodolfo
Rivera Martínez, Alejandra
Blitvich, Bradley J.
Mostrar el registro completo del ítemResumen
Biting midges (Culicoides) are vectors of many pathogens of medical and veterinary importance,
but their viromes are poorly characterized compared to certain other hematophagous
arthropods, e.g., mosquitoes and ticks. The goal of this study was to use metagenomics to identify
viruses in Culicoides from Mexico. A total of 457 adult midges were collected in Chihuahua, northern
Mexico, in 2020 and 2021, and all were identified as female Culicoides reevesi. The midges were sorted
into five pools and homogenized. An aliquot of each homogenate was subjected to polyethylene
glycol precipitation to enrich for virions, then total RNA was extracted and analyzed by unbiased
high-throughput sequencing. We identified six novel viruses that are characteristic of viruses from
five families (Nodaviridae, Partitiviridae, Solemoviridae, Tombusviridae, and Totiviridae) and one novel
virus that is too divergent from all classified viruses to be assigned to an established family. The
newly discovered viruses are phylogenetically distinct from their closest known relatives, and their
minimal infection rates in female C. reevesi range from 0.22 to 1.09. No previously known viruses were
detected, presumably because viral metagenomics had never before been used to study Culicoides
from the Western Hemisphere. To conclude, we discovered multiple novel viruses in C. reevesi from
Mexico, expanding our knowledge of arthropod viral diversity and evolution.
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