• Evaluation of bioenergy potential from coffee pulp trough System Dynamics 

      García-Alcaraz, Jorge Luis; Ramos Hernandez, Rocio; Sanchez Ramirez, Cuauhtemoc; Mota Lopez, Dulce Rocia; Sandoval Salas, Fabiola (2020-11-16)
      In the last years, renewable energies have been proposed as a solution to mitigate climate change. In this sense, biomass has become a more popular alternative than other sources of renewable energy, such as solar energy ...

      Av. Plutarco Elías Calles #1210 • Fovissste Chamizal
      Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México • C.P. 32310 • Tel. (+52) 688 – 2100 al 09