In this work, the differences in the muscle power and the kinetics of blood lactate
concentrations ([LA-]b) between ACTN3 genotypes were studied during the
Wingate anaerobic test (PAnW). Thirty-five healthy and physically active male
volunteers (18-35 years old) participated. Muscle power, [LA-] b concentrations,
and Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) activity were analyzed. The ACTN3 gene was
determined from the DNA of white blood cells in peripheral blood. Regardless of
the participants' weight and muscle mass, carriers of the RR genotype vs. RX and
XX developed greater muscle power during PAnW (p <0.05), suggesting a greater
capacity in this genotype to use the ATP-PC system during supramaximal
exercise. The kinetics in muscle power and in [LA-]b concentrations were similar
between genotypes. PAnW was not enough to cause muscle damage seen by
LDH concentration.