Trace Detection of Cr (VI) via Assembly of Metallic Nanoparticles/Chitosan/Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes as Novel Electrochemical Sensor
This work aims the development of a novel electrochemical method for the sensitive detection of
Chromium VI which is a highly toxic heavy metal ion, which exhibits high oxidation potential, high
mobility in the environment, bioaccumulation, and biodegradability. Derivative hexavalent chromium
compounds can induce carcinogenic and mutagenic disorders The World Health Organization (WHO)
establishes a maximum permissible for Cr(VI) of 0.05 mg∙L-1 in drinking water. Official Mexican
regulation NOM-127-SSA establishes the maximum permissible limits of Cr(VI) in drinking water at
0.05 mg∙L-1. In this work, an electrochemical sensor for the detection of Cr(VI) in wastewater was
fabricated by modifying a glassy carbon electrode via assembly of metallic
nanoparticles/chitosan/multiwalled carbon nanotubes, which made possible a greater sensitivity in
the detection of Cr(VI). The differential pulse voltammetry technique was an optimal resource for the
detection and subsequent quantification of Cr(VI) in an acid medium. The fabricated sensor achieved
optimal performance with a of detection (LOD) for hexavalent chromium at 0.007 µg L-1 and a of
quantification (LOQ) of 0.02 µg L-1
- ICB Memoria en abstract [246]
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